Environmental protection is of crucial importance for ESK-SIC GmbH, our environmental policy
being based on the principle of our responsibility for the future.
Already during the planning and installation of new plants and equipment, we involve the responsible authorities to ensure that environmentally relevant aspects are verified and potential
for improvement determined.
During operation of plants and equipment we monitor environmentally relevant emissions
(dust, waste, water, noise) to ensure compliance with the environmental laws and regulations
applicable to our company, as well as compliance with the conditions and requirements prescribed
by the relevant authorities.
We conduct regular internal audits to verify compliance with statutory regulations and operational directives.
Moreover, we maintain close contact with the responsible authorities to ensure that we are always
up to date with regard to new and amended regulations.
For further optimization of environmental protection in the future, we instruct our employees in the sparing
use of resources (water, energy, packaging materials, fuels, etc.) in training courses and seminars
so as to develop their environmental awareness.
When awarding contracts to suppliers and contractors, we take into consideration the needs of environmental protection and make sure that our environmental precautions are implemented. In addition, we provide information about our environmental policy.
ESK-SIC GmbH improves the environmental management system (EMS) with regular performance assessment by the company’s senior management. In the scope of this assessment, measures for improving environmental performance are decided.
To meet this standard at all times, a DIN ISO 14001-compliant environmental management system
as well as an energy management system according to DIN ISO 50001 are applied, which is expediently integrated in the existing DIN EN ISO 9001 quality management system.
The environmental management officer is responsible for ensuring the provisions of the environmental management system are met and for regularly advising the management on their effectiveness and observation.