Patented technology to reduce CO₂-related emissions by recycling used SiC into high-quality raw SiC. Developed in a joint research project between ESK-SIC GmbH and Fraunhofer IKTS.
Developed in cooperation with
Background: For more than 100 years, raw SiC has been produced for industrial applications relying on Acheson process. However, this the very energy-intensive technique requires approx. 7.15 MWh of electrical power to produce a single ton of SiC. At the same time, about 4.2 tonnes of CO₂ are emitted. 2.4 tonnes of these CO₂ emissions are purely reaction-related, while the remaining amount (of 1.8 tonnes of CO₂) arises from the energy generation required to manufacture one tonne of SiC. In fact, the CO₂ balance explained above is very conservative, as the energy-related emissions reflect the European electricity mix. In other regions of the world (e.g. China, USA, Russia), emissions from energy production are significantly higher, which actually worsens the overall CO₂ balance even more.
During the mid-2010s the mentioned problems were enough of a stimulus for the ESK and the IKTS to fundamentally rethink and reform not only the production but also the associated life cycle of SiC. Having developed a growing awareness of process-related emissions, resource conservation along with an economic obligation to drive forward sustainable production techniques in industry, the logic decision constitutes a conversion of previous waste products into high quality new material.
The patented process uses various by-products and waste materials that arise during Acheson synthesis, powder preparation and subsequent processing to produce SiC crystals matching industrial requirements. The obtained recycled material is also litigated by the established powder preparation processes following the material conversion to technically high-quality SiC with a purity of >98 %. After the recycling process, all material characteristics are identical or even slightly improved in comparison to the marketable products. Most importantly, associated CO₂ emissions for the production of the material are significantly lowered. Specifically, recycling one tonne of SiC emits less than one tonne of CO₂ while almost eliminating the usage of primary raw materials.
Up to 90 %
reduced CO₂‑emission -
circula economy activity
Resource-saving process
Environmentally friendly SiC
How we protect the environment with our technology
InfomaterialAs good as SiC
Our recycled SiC is equal in quality and product characteristics to newly manifactured SiC by the Acheson process. We may only be able to meet your needs even more.
Conserving resources
Material recycling almost dispense completely with the use of primary raw materials